tahmineh norooziesfahani
I really needed a coach , to help me out with my struggle of singing high notes and some breathing techniques which can help me to improve the power in my voice. Lydia was one of the best coaches I've ever worked with, she is so patient and helps you step by step whatever you're struggling with in singing.
Elizabeth Kenny
Isabella Maietta
Going into this class I wanted to expand my range and increase my confidence and knowledge of music. Lydia has helped me with all of these things. I can hit notes I’ve never been able to hit before, sing without feeling nervous, and I now have a general knowledge of piano and music scales. Lydia is very professional but fun and kind. She makes every class interesting and informative.
Rachel Cloutier
Josie Wu
Lydia is such an enthusiastic and dedicated teacher who listens and cares about students’ feedback, and her teaching styles and humour vibe made me look forward to the class every week! I walked in as an amateur with no formal experience in vocal training, and she first diagnosed my vocal level and design the course based on that. She does a great job explaining and familiarizing me with vocal terminologies, and we’ve seen progress after two months as my breath is longer and steadier, and my chest voice is getting strong. I look forward to learning and growing more with Lydia!