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Lessons for Children


In a fun playful environment children learn how to channel their natural vocal abilities. Technique, pitch, aural skills and simple music theory are taught through a variety of fun games. Children learn how to vocalize with confidence by using the imagination. Looking for singing lessons for your child? Book now!


What is Aural and why is it important?

“Ear training or aural skills is a skill by which musicians learn to identify, solely by hearing, pitches, intervals, melody, chords, rhythms, and other basic elements of music.” - Wikipedia

This is an important skill for children to learn at an early age as it becomes harder to pick up as you get older.

As a singer you will often if not always be singing with a band or with other vocalists. Having the ability and confidence to carry your own melody in the midst of other sounds is essential and impressive.

As with any skill, exposure paired with practice makes learning easier. Children will learn these skills through fun exercises and games.


Are children too young to learn singing technique?

Children have the natural uninhibited ability to make noise as they scream and laugh and cry. As we grow up many factors come in to stifle that ability such as insecurities, inhibitions, cultural expectations etc.

I believe that as adults we can regain that ability as we refine and channel it through proper technique. With children it’s simply becoming comfortable with what you already have.

Learning to be comfortable with being loud is what most adults struggle with when it comes to learning how to sing. Children don’t have that problem!